Customs Special Regimes
The Cargo Terminal of Cabo Frio Airport is enabled to operate the most diverse types of customs special regimes, highlighting two main solutions for your operations:
“Entreposto” Bonded Warehouse, as a logistics solution directly linked to the inventory control and the optimization of the “Cash Flow “, and the other one called DAC (Certified Bonded Warehouse), in its Virtual and Physical modalities, is dedicated to the export cargo without their effective exit from the national territory, being considered exported for all fiscal, credit and exchange effects.
Bonded Warehouse (Entreposto)
The Bonded Warehouse (Entreposto) is a customs special regime, allowed both in import and export processes. This modality allows for the deposit of goods in authorized bonded warehouses, the suspension of payments of federal taxes on imports.
In this way, this regime can be considered an important logistic tool regarding the management of inventories and other costs reduction strategies, allowing the partial withdrawal of the goods. In this case, we act as an inventory of your company.
Upon importation, goods may remain in storage for a period of up to one (1) year, extendable for the same period, counted from the date of customs clearance of admission.
Advantages of the Regime in the terminal Cabo Frio Airport:

Federal tax suspension (up to 1 year)

Storage with specialists

Partial withdrawals of goods with control of your stock in our warehouse

Reduction of costs

Transfer to other customs procedures, also operated at the Cabo Frio Airport Cargo Terminal or General Warehouse

Packaging, repackaging, labeling, and other services all in one place

The Certified Bonded Warehouse, known as DAC, allows the cargo to remain in the national territory, in a bonded place, the goods negotiated abroad. This cargo is considered exported for all fiscal, credit and exchange effects.
At Cabo Frio Airport Terminal is possible to use this regime in its two forms: physical and virtual. In the physical modality, the cargo physically follows to our terminal, where it will be stored in our facilities until complete the entire process of export to the country where the cargo was commercialized.
The Virtual modality is destined to loads of difficult movement, making impossible its transit within the national territory.
In both cases, our expertise provides the best service, by assisting your company at every stage of the process, either in the admission of a special customs regime or in the exchange of regimes.